Download R.A. Schwarzer: The determination of local texture by electron diffraction - A tutorial review.
Textures and Microstructures 20 (1993) 7-27
Download R.A. Schwarzer: Texture Mapping by Scanning X-Ray Diffraction and Related Methods.
pages 50 - 65 in: A.K. Singh (ed.): Advanced X-Ray Techniques in Research and Industry.
IOS Press, Amsterdam 2005, ISBN 1-58603-537-1
Download H.-J. Bunge: Texture Analysis in Materials Science - Mathematical Methods. Butterworths 1982
Paperback reprint: Cuvillier-Verlag Göttingen 1993. ISBN 3-928815-81-4
Digital Edition in 2015 of the 1st English Edition by Butterworth&Co (Publ.) 1982
Download(3.5 MB) J. Hansen, J. Pospiech and K. Lücke: Tables for Texture Analysis of Cubic Crystals (1978)
Notice: The digital version of "Part A - Review of the Representation of Orientations and Orientation Distributions" and the program listing have been made available for download by the author Prof. Dr. Jan Pospiech (Cracow) in 2016.
"Part B - The Tables" is not included here.
Further Reading
I would highly
recommend the introductory-level monograph: Olaf Engler and Valerie
Randle: Introduction to Texture Analysis -
Macrotexture, Microtexture, and Orientation Mapping. 2nd edition. Taylor &
Francis Group / CRC Press, Boca Raton (FL) 2010. ISBN
Further reading on the Orientation Density Function (ODF) is found in:
L. Spiess, G. Teichert, R. Schwarzer, H. Behnken and C. Genzel: Moderne Röntgenbeugung - Röntgendiffraktometrie für Materialwissenschaftler, Physiker und Chemiker. 3rd extended edition.
Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden 2019 (ISBN 978-3-8348-1219-3)
This textbook on modern X-ray diffraction (in German) includes in Chapter 11: Röntgenographische Texturanalyse (XRD Texture Analysis) an introduction to X-ray polefigure measurement and ODF analysis, and in Chapter 14: Spezielle Verfahren (Special Methods) a brief outline of EBSD and Kossel diffraction.
An introduction to Backscatter Kikuchi Diffraction (BKD) and "Automated EBSD" is found on the website
and an introduction to advanced EBSD systems (in German) on .